
副詞子句顧名思義在劇中扮演的角色如同副詞。「從屬連接詞(Subordinating conjunctions)」是判斷副詞子句的重要依據,做為整個副詞子句最重要的部分,根據不同的從屬連接詞,副詞子句通常都可以回答一個問題,而根據他能回答怎樣的問題就時常成為將副詞子句分門別類的方法,今天介紹的即是以能回答時間(何時When?)與地點(何處Where?)的從屬連接詞所引領之副詞子句。


時間副詞子句可以告訴我們一件事情何時發生或是它發生的頻率(When?, How often?),幾個常用且與時間相關的從屬連接詞有:

  1. When: When children get pocket money, some of them may save it for later use, others just spend all of it.
  2. Whenever: Whenever I am too tired to stay focused at work, I start to surf the internet mindlessly.
  3. While: In order to meet homework deadlines coming up next week, I do my homework while I am eating dinner.
  4. As soon as: As soon as I graduated, I got a job.
  5. After: After the Cleveland Cavaliers won the 2016 NBA championship, thousands of fans in Cleveland filled the downtown street to celebrate.
  6. Since: It has been 50 years since they married.
  7. As: People tend to eat more processed food as their lives get busier.
  8. Before: Before I moved to Taipei, I lived in Kaohsiung.
  9. Until: In Taiwan people used to use pagers until cell phones became popular.



  1. Where: Stockholm is a beautiful city where I currently live.
  2. Where (置於句首): Where there is a will, there is a road.
  3. Wherever: I pay with cash wherever I can.
  4. Everywhere: Everywhere you see a staff wearing the blue uniform, you can ask for help.
  5. Anywhere: You can see people using their phone anywhere you go.