
本週的課程開始介紹形容詞子句,形容詞子句是複雜句當中的從屬子句的一種,他在句子中扮演的角色如同形容詞。形容詞子句通常緊跟在他要修飾的先行詞之後,並且由關係代名詞(that, which, whose, who, whom)或關係副詞(where, why, when)開頭,一個形容詞子句當中必定會包含主詞及動詞。在老師的課程中把形容詞子句分為六大類,本週課程介紹第一和第二類,分別是:

  1. 關代作為主詞代替句子當中的人事物
  2. 關代作為受詞代替句子當中的人事物



  • People who exercise three times a week may lead a healthier life.
  • I always want a mobile phone that is powerful enough to play the latest 3D games.
  • A sports team that loses game after game may quickly lose fans.
  • The man you saw yesterday is Mr.Chen, who is the new CEO of the department.
  • The Sunflower Student Movement, which stuns the nation, will have a great effect on the future of Taiwan.
  • Steve Jobs, who co-founded Apple, is known for his incredible foresight.


  • The CEO whom you saw yesterday is very kind to employees.
  • Apple regularly rejected applications that they deemed unsafe or not appropriate.
  • The actress whom people credit with fine acting skills has been nominated for the Oscar.
  • LeBron James, whom most people consider to be the best player in the NBA, is not the highest-paid NBA player.

  • The islands of Hawaii, which Earth created with hot spot deep in the crust, are one of the best places in the world to see volcanic activities.

  • Game of Thrones, which HBO adapted from George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels, is a big success.

